About Connections

OVER 35 YEARS ON THE GO - A story that reads like a novel

What could you already know about Connections? That the current owner and managing director Ronny Bayens was there right from the start in 1986 as one of the 2 founding fathers of this 100% Belgian company!

We are happy to take you on an exciting journey through time. With interesting facts, fascinating stories and, above all, many memorable moments. From the first city trips to New York at the end of the 80s to the famous Freedom Train through Europe and an ever-enlarging vespa caravan to the Expo of Lisbon ... with Connections, intense experiences are never far away.


A HEART FOR CHARITY – Because everyone is entitle to the best life

Travelling is in our blood and that automatically implies we keep a keen eye for what is happening in the world. Not everyone enjoys the same quality of life and so wherever and whenever possible Connections supports charitable and philanthropic organizations committed to worthy causes.

For instance in 2018, Connections decided to adopt one girl of Plan International Belgium per travel shop and support them by a financial contribution. That resulted in advancing the rights and equality for 30 girls worldwide. Furthermore we partnered up with Kom Op Tegen Kanker (Take A Stand Against Cancer), organize a yearly Christmas dinner for the homeless and underprivileged of the region of Vilvoorde and work together with Oxfam, Cap48, Levensloop and many others.

MAIN SPONSOR OF THE RED FLAMES – We love to give women a fair field and no favour

When Connections reached a consensus with the Belgian Football Association, we were the first and only partner to resolutely choose for the Red Flames. Our women’s national football team were at the start of a major qualification and had to be given every opportunity to reach the top, equivalent to their male colleagues.

By doing so, Connections makes a clear statement as to its stand regarding equal rights for men and women. In the meantime, we have become a valued and loyal partner, organizing the Red Flames' trips when they play abroad as well as fan trips for their supporters.


SUSTAINABLE TRAVEL IS KEY – Discover the world responsibly

As a traveller you like to experience the abundant variety of our beautiful planet while at the same time protecting and preserving Mother Earth in order to ensure that your children can explore her magnificence as well. That is why Connections entered into a partnership with Greentripper. When you book a trip with Connections, we'll share the environmental impact of your trip.

You have the opportunity to contribute to a certified agroforestry project in Kenya that helps fight climate change, and this is equal to the impact of your trip. For each contribution, you'll receive a guarantee certificate. Greentripper is audited every year by Forum Ethibel, an independent organization. This approach is crucial to Connections, and this is how we actively aim to make travel more environmentally friendly!

Over 100 Travel Designers
all over Belgium are eager to assist you

Year after year Connections sends its Travel Designers to all corners of the world in order to be able to advise you even better when mapping out your trip.

Peru, Thailand, New York, South Africa ... no destination is too foreign or far. Find out who they are here and feel free to contact them!

Why choose Connections?

Because we are travellers, just like you. Always looking for exciting experiences, fascinating encounters and new horizons. Because we are 100% Belgian and can assist you in your own language. Because we make it our personal mission to lift your travels beyond your wildest imagination. Because life is more intense when you travel, really travel!

More about Connections

The twinkle in the eye

Do not expect conformity from us. We are always looking for those extra ingredients that make your trip truly special. We swear by intense experiences.

Over 100 Travel designers around the country

Meet the Connections crew in our Travel Shops located all over Belgium. All of our Travel Designers are looking forward to meeting you and welcome you with open arms.

+35 Years on the road

We've been paving our way for a while. Travelling with Connections means choosing 'peace of mind'. Everything perfectly arranged, excellent service, certainty and reliability.

Always by your side

We're here whenever you need us! Available via our website, our travel shops, our customer service center, at the airport and via our mobile travel agents.